Model Mode

Model Mode

This mode is used to augment products on a static image.

Step 1: Installation

To begin, you need to install the AR Engine and Gallery/Model Mode module from the collection of our modules. You can install them using npm.

npm install @mirrar-sdm/ar-engine @mirrar-sdm/gallery-mode

Step 2: Setup the Model/Gallery mode

<div id="ar-container">
    <canvas id="modelCanvas" width="640" height="480"></canvas>
import { GalleryMode } from '@mirrar-sdm/gallery-mode'
const imageURL = 'model image url'
const canvas = document.getElementById('modelCanvas')

Step 3: Setup & Initialize the AR Engine

import {AR_Engine} from "@mirrar-sdm/ar-engine"
import { TrackingTypeEnum } from "@mirrar-sdm/ar-engine/lib/TrackingManagers/MachineLearningTrackingManager"
function setupAREngine(canvas) {
    const container = document.getElementById('ar-container')
    // You can set any dimensions here but it is advised
    // to set the dimensions of AR Engine same as camera feed 
    const options = {
                container: container,
                dimensions: {
                    width: canvas.width,
                    height: canvas.height
    const arEngine = new AR_Engine(options)

Step 4: Setup Face or Hand Tracking depending on the type of jewellery that you want to augment.

// choose tracking type as face or hand
const trackingType = TrackingTypeEnum.Face // TrackingTypeEnum.Hand
// function to get the download progress of the AI model
const progressFunction = (values) -> {
    console.log("Download Progress", values)
// callback that will be called after completion of Face/Hand Tracking Setup
const onComplete = () => {
    console.log("Tracking setup successfull")
arEngine.setupTracking(trackingType, progressFunction, (data) => {

Step 5: Process gallery/model frame in AR Engine

if(arEngine) {
    arEngine.processFrame(canvas, onProcessingComplete)